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Friday, September 22, 2023

We had a fantastic day for our first ECO session, which was focused on establishing routines and expectations for our time in the forest. After a quick bus ride, we began our day in the field just over the covered bridge. We stopped at the far end of the field for a greeting circle and a game. This week we played an old favorite called Camouflage, which gave children a chance to run around, hide in the grass, and practice gathering when they hear our special signal, which is a barred owl call. 

After our game, we made our way to our forest site and gathered around our safety circle for snack and a story. Ask your child about safety circle expectations. Our story this week focused on the three cares, which are broad expectations for our time outside: I take care of myself, I take care of others, I take care of the earth. After reviewing forest boundaries, children had time to explore the space, much of which was spent observing and counting red efts, which seemed to be everywhere with the cool moist conditions. We will talk a lot about red efts in the coming weeks and use them to guide discussions about how we can be responsible guests in the forest that is home to many living things. 

We closed our time by practicing sit spots in a circle. Eventually, everyone will find their own sit spot for this closing ritual, which is often a favorite of children, as they quietly soak in the forest, sometimes sipping tea, sometimes drawing in a journal. We ended with a silent thank you to the forest before walking back to school. On Wednesday afternoon each child chose a nature name. These animal names will also become an integral part of ECO. 

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