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Friday, November 21, 2014

A few of the things we have been doing in the last couple of week:
Practicing measuring using both craft sticks and cubes.

Teaching our learning buddies some of our favorite math games.

Working on our forest mural.

Our mural with all of our nature names.

Bundled up for recess!

Friday, November 7, 2014

This week we spent some time talking about seed dispersal, both during ECO and in the classroom.  We learned that if seeds are going to successfully grow they will need their own space, away from their parent plant.  But how do they travel?  Ask your child to tell you some of the ways.  We also visited the river on our way back from ECO and explored the many rocks to tie into our next science unit which focuses on rocks and the ways they are similar and different and how they may change over time.

Nora McDonough, our art teacher, has shared the following links from her blog, which highlight some of the kindergarten art work.

Decomposer tag.

Running through the seeds.

Rock art.