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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

 Field Day Fun!!   I'm sure everyone heard a bit about the day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

 For the past several weeks we have been working on informational books about our nature name animals.  We began this process by reading non-fiction books about each child's animal, paying attention to what the animal looks like, where it lives, what it eats, and any other interesting facts.  This took a bit of time, but children were enthusiastically engaged as we learned about all 15 animals.  Once the information was gathered we began the hard work of getting our knowledge on paper.  We finished this project by creating beautiful covers for the books last Friday. Using photographs of their animals, children looked for specific shapes and colors to create a collage of their animal.  They were extremely eager to take these home. Look in your child's backpack if you haven't seen the book already!