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Monday, December 20, 2021

For the last several weeks during ECO our focus has been on fire, with emphasis placed on fire safety. We also talked about how to build a fire, what fires need to keep burning, and different ways to make fires go out.  Pete shared a silly story about a bobcat being unsafe around a fire.  Ask your child what happened as a result! (Short tail with a little blackness at the end!)

We eased into fire building by making a tiny fire inside a Kelly Kettle, which we used to boil water for tea. Children helped gather three kinds of sticks for the fire: the smallest, mouse tails, critical for getting the fire going, but super quick to burn out, followed by chickadee sticks (about the size of something a chickadee would land on), and finally beaver chews. Finally this past week we had a large fire and enjoyed roasting apples for our last fall ECO session. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

 On Friday, after reading the book Snowmen at Night, by Caralyn Buehner Kindergarteners made their own snow people with their third and fourth grade learning buddies. Our weekly meet up with Ms. Hale's class, a time that everyone looks forward to, is a great opportunity for Kindergarten students to get to know some of the older children in school. It's also a really fun chance for me to see some former students in mentoring roles.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

 A much anticipated part of each morning in Kindergarten is sharing. This opportunity to tell classmates about an object or an experience is a great way for children practice speaking with a loud, clear voice while using details to describe what they are sharing.  For the children not sharing, this time is a fantastic way to practice listening respectfully, sitting quietly, looking at the speaker, and thinking about what the speaker is saying. After each share, several children can ask questions or make a comment. We have worked hard on formulating thoughtful, relevant questions and making comments that are specific and focused on the actual share.  Children love sharing and on days they forget to bring something most choose to do a telling share, my favorite kind, as they require a little more detailed description and slightly sharper listening.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

 Recently we read the book We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell. Otsaleiheliga is a Cherokee word that is used to express gratitude. Beginning in the fall and cycling through the year to summer, the book follows a Cherokee family and their community through the seasons as they celebrate the many things for which they are grateful, with vibrant illustrations depicting their life. Throughout the seasons they were repeatedly grateful for family and friends, animals, food, and nature.  Yesterday children were invited to create their own colorful painting representing one thing they are grateful for, with many of the same themes represented. We really enjoyed this opportunity to quietly paint in the middle of a rainy day! 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Last week we continued exploring structure and function with two new building tasks. Our first task took place during ECO when we built little shelters. Before we headed out we talked about the changes that might occur in the weather before we return to the woods again in December and how we can be prepared as winter approaches. Children were each given a small cardboard kid to "dress" for the expected colder weather. When we were in the forest they were challenged to construct a mini shelter that would keep their kid warm and dry until we return.  We brainstormed materials in our forest space that could be used for building a shelter, as well as designs that would help protect the kids from the elements. We plan to check on the kids when we return to the woods after Thanksgiving to see how they fared.

At school on Friday (while it rained heavily and was a little windy- hopefully the cardboard kids are dry!) after reading a version of the Three Little Pigs, children were challenged to construct a house strong enough to withstand the Big Bad Wolf. Each child was given a piece of card stock for a base, several sticks of modeling clay to hold materials together, and craft sticks. Everyone was extremely engaged as they worked, with several students choosing to continue working through choice time as they tried to get their houses just right.  This challenge gave students another great opportunity to try and try again, and work through frustration. After lunch we tested each of the houses against the big bad wolf (your child can tell you how this worked!)