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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Last week we began a new science unit:  Structure and Function - Exploring Design. We began by talking about the function of various objects and how this connects to their design and structure. We brainstormed objects that hold water, objects we can use to write, and objects that can move a person from one place to another. We noticed that all of the objects that hold water need to have a bottom and sides, while tools we use for writing tend to be long and rounded with a pointy tip. Most of the objects for transportation had wheels.

We then read a version of "Jack and the Beanstalk" and talked about the function of the beanstalk (it was used as a ladder). Children were then presented with a design and build challenge to use 10 pipe cleaners to create the tallest beanstalk they could. This is actually quite challenging and can be very frustrating, so we talked about the importance of working through frustration and adjusting our ideas and expectations depending on what worked and didn't work. Once children completed their beanstalk they had an opportunity to make adjustments and see if it could hold a golden egg. We ended by discussing the entire process, noting ideas that worked, things that were surprising (the finished beanstalks are often not all that tall!) and strategies children used to work through frustration, important skills for many aspects of life!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

With four weeks of ECO under our belts, our weekly trips to the forest are starting to feel familiar.  Much of our time in these weeks has centered on learning and practicing ECO routines and expectations and exploring our ECO space. All of our expectations are encompassed in the three cares: take care of yourself, take care of each other, and take care of the earth. Some very specific expectations that we have learned are our forest boundaries, how to be safe around our safety circle (which is where we will eventually have a fire), and how to treat all living things with respect while we are guests in their space.

Each week during ECO we follow the same general structure with variations in the game, story,  and guided exploration. When we first get off the bus, we stop in the field to share something we are thankful for, sing a song, and play an active game. We then make our way up to the forest, using our senses to notice anything interesting along the way. When we arrive in the forest we gather around the safety circle to share our nature notes, eat snack, and listen to a story. This is followed by our guided exploration for the week. So far we have built red eft houses, collected forest items and written recipes for a forest, and looked closely at decomposers in the forest. Most weeks we have a bit of time for forest choice as well. We end by visiting our sit spots, where children sit quietly, writing or drawing in journals if they choose. Then we pack up and begin our walk back to school.