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Friday, August 31, 2012

What a fantastic first week we have had!  Your children have been amazing as they have adapted to new faces, new routines, and for many a new school.  From learning our circle routine, to navigating the lunch room, and even quiet reading, they have done a wonderful job.  Some of the many things we have done the last few days are:

  • practiced walking in a line to get from one part of the building to another
  • learned the routine for quietly reading and practiced it for 10 minutes!
  • watched our caterpillars voraciously munching through piles of milkweed
  • explored different math materials during stations (pattern blocks, geo-blocks, linking cubes)
  • practiced writing and drawing on white boards
  • listened to many stories and looked at many wordless picture books, creating the story line ourselves
  • sang Down by the Bay and created our own rhyming verses
  • painted our own giant paper bucket that we will try to fill with our kind thoughts and acts (ask your child to tell you about the book Have You Filled a Bucket)
  • participated in music, gym, art, guidance, and a brief French class
  • explored the playground and all of the new equipment
  • explored many different choices during free time in the classroom
It has been a busy week!  Today in your child's folder I have sent some information to give you a general sense of our schedule.  Minor changes are already occurring as the need arises (gym on Thursday will actually be at 1:00), but this gives you an overall sense of our days.

If you haven't returned the forms that were sent in the red folders, please do so as soon as possible. These can go directly to Kathi, or I can deliver them to her.  Have wonderful weekend!
I will post some pictures soon-I've had some difficulty transferring pictures to my new computer!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We had a great first day! Getting a school year under way takes a lot of patience on the part of students, with a lot of time spent listening and learning routines. Everyone did a wonderful job.   Much of our time in the coming weeks will be spent reviewing expectations and practicing routines. We will also focus much of our attention on getting to know each other and building our classroom community.
In your child’s bag  today you will find a bluish-purple folder with a note of explanation inside, along with a paper bag that will be your child's artifact bag (also explained in the folder note.)  You should also find a red folder from Kathi with general school information and paper work.  These can be returned directly to Kathi at the front desk, or you can send them in your child's backpack and I will get them to her.  I know that your children will sleep well tonight!