After our morning recess each day we have math. Our math time typically starts with a short lesson and then children rotate through two stations in small groups. For now our focus has been on numbers to ten, including counting sets, matching numerals to quantities, writing, and comparing numbers. Children have also been introduced to five- and ten- frames, which are models we will use throughout the year for composing numbers. As students gain familiarity with these structures they begin to recognize quantities without counting, and also begin to internalize how many more are needed to make five or ten. For example if a ten frame has five dots, there are five empty spaces.
One of our stations is almost always a partner game, a fun way for children to work on all of these math skills, while also working on taking turns, being patient and flexible, and being a good sport. We always finish by shaking hands and saying, "Good game!"
Ask your child if they have a favorite game so far.
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