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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

In math we have been revisiting shapes. Children have engaged in a variety of activities to help them learn the defining features of specific shapes (circles, rectangles, squares, triangles, and hexagons) and recognize similarities and differences between shapes. One game we have played is called the shape grid game. Partners each have a 3 x 3 grid, hidden from view of the other partner, as well as a basket with 9 identical shapes. One partner gives very specific directions to tell the other partner where to place each shape on the grid, trying to create 2 matching grids without looking. This game provides a great opportunity for children to name shapes and use position words such as above, below, to the right of, etc., while giving the partner a chance to practice careful listening. 

Children have also spent time using smaller shapes to compose a larger shape (e.g., a hexagon can be made with two trapezoids, or 1 trapezoid and 3 triangles.) They have used pattern blocks to fill in the outline of  different pictures, counting and recording how many of each shape they used when the picture is complete. After reading the book Grandfather Tang's Story, by Ann Trompert, we also spent time using tangrams (7 specific shapes that together make a square), to make animals from the story as well as our own creations.

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