In math, we have recently revisited geometry, reviewing shape names and their defining characteristics. Children have worked on pattern block puzzles, using smaller shapes to create a larger shape. Students have loved using pattern block stickers to fill in larger shape outlines. Once the picture is complete they have filled in a table showing how many of each shape was used and how many shapes were used all together. It has been fun to compare the same picture made in multiple ways, using a different number of shapes. This has helped students make observations about the composition of larger shapes, such as two trapezoids make one hexagon, or a rhombus and a triangle can make a trapezoid.
We have also played a game to help children practice naming shapes and giving specific directions. In this game each partner has a 3 X 3 grid with a star in the middle, as well as a basket with 9 identical shapes. A book is used to create a barrier so they can't see the other partner's grid. One partner tells the other partner where to put each shape on the grid, while placing their shapes in the same place. The goal is to have matching grids when the shapes are placed. Along with naming the shapes this has provided a great opportunity for using position words such as above, below, next to, right, and left.
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