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Friday, November 3, 2017

For the past few weeks we have been working on our first Project Lead the Way science unit:  Structure and Function - Exploring Design.  We began by talking about the function of various objects and how this connects to their design and structure, for example something that is meant to hold water will need a structure with sides etc.  For our first project we read a version of Jack and the Beanstalk and children were challenged to use pipe cleaners to make their own beanstalk, as tall as possible and strong enough to hold a plastic egg.  This was challenging and led to a great discussion about taking risks, learning from failure, and persevering.  Many students failed in their first attempts and had to begin again, some experienced lots of frustration, and some were not successful in our allotted time frame.  No big deal - real scientists experience these things on a much larger scale all the time!

For our second project we read a version of The Three Little Pigs.  Teams of children were given a bag with either toothpicks (straw), craft sticks (sticks), or little bricks.  Each group also had clay and glue sticks.  Using just the materials they were given each team needed to design and build a house sturdy enough to hold up to the blowing of the big bad wolf (actually a leaf blower).  Again, there were many chances to practice dealing with frustration, persevering, and most importantly, working as a team.  We talked about what makes a good teammate for this kind of challenge.  Children's thoughts included someone who is kind, someone who doesn't give up (perseverance), someone who listens to ideas and is willing to combine ideas (compromise), and someone who works together with their partner.  We will use this list as a reminder of what it means to be a good teammate anytime we are doing group work.

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