Wow- today was really hot! With the weather fluctuations we've been having please make sure you're child is prepared to be outside (last week some of the mornings we're quite chilly!) Being prepared for the weather will be especially important when we begin ECO (Educating Children Outdoors) in October. I have information about this program along with a clothing checklist all ready to send home today. Unfortunately our copier is broken, so I will try again tomorrow!
This week we have begun working on handwriting, practicing writing our names beginning with an upper case letter and ending with lower case letters, and practicing writing numbers 0-5. We have also started the Fundations program which will focus on letter formation as well as letter sounds for the next few months. So far we have worked on lower case t, f, and b. We practice these in a variety of ways including using our fingers to write really big in the air, using white boards and dry erase markers, and using fancy hi-lighters! In addition, we have been working on letter recognition through our morning message. Each day after we read the message, volunteers underline specific words by listening to the beginning sound and finding that letter at the beginning of the word.
Yesterday in your child's yellow folder or backpack there was a letter from Eric Mongeon our technology integrationist, explaining Google Apps for Education. This also includes a permission form that should be returned as soon as possible.
Reading about our class. |
Rolling dice and building towers in math. |
Partner reading. |
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