We have finished learning the letter formations and sounds for all of the lower-case letters. Over the next several weeks we will learn upper-case formations as well. Knowing all of the letter sounds, we have moved on to forming simple 3 and 4 letter words with similar endings. We have been practicing tapping the sounds (perhaps your child could demonstrate) and then blending them into words. Children were also very curious about ch, sh, ck, and th, which appear on the bottom of our letter poster, so we have talked about those sounds as well, noting that sometimes the number of letters in a word doesn't match the number of sounds (chat, ship, chin, to name a few).
Please remember to send in $3.00 for the Flynn Performance. Our trip is in the end of April, but money should be in by Friday.
WINTER CONCERT TOMORROW EVENING AT 6:00. Students should come to the gym between 5:50 and 5:55 and join the class on our mat!
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