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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We are still having a lot of kindergarteners sign up for hot snack right at snack time and Kathi has been running out of snacks. If you're child will have hot snack regularly on a specific day, for instance every Tuesday, it is very helpful to know this. Otherwise if you could please email Kathi the day before to sign up that would be very helpful. The menu is always the same: Monday-cheese stick and fruit, Tuesday- bagel and cream cheese, Wednesday- cereal and milk, Thursday- egg burritos, and Friday- trail mix. Thank you!

In Writers Workshop we continue to work on writing stories with a beginning, middle, and end. Students are now working on writing their own sentences for their stories using sounds they hear. For example H and I wnt f a wk could represent Hannah and I went for a walk. I am also encouraging them to leave spaces between words and to number their pages. It is very exciting for me to be able to read some of what they are writing without having it read to me.

In math we have been working more extensively on patterns. We have been creating, extending, and identifying all kinds of patterns. We have also continued working on sorting and counting.

I will not be in school on Thursday. I am attending an all day workshop at the Flynn Theater called "Engaging Active Learners", with a focus on incorporating movement and drama throughout the curriculum. While I hate to be away from the classroom I have always been very impressed by offerings from the Flynn and believe this workshop will be very worthwhile.

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