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Monday, September 12, 2011

Today three children shared their artifact bags. Ask your child if he/she remembers anything about Solomon, Anna, or Eamon. If your child hasn't brought his/her bag in yet, please help them compile these and send them in soon. Some things to include might be pictures, objects that represent a favorite activity, etc. We will keep sharing 3-4 a day until everyone has shared.

In your child's blue folder you will find a letter about our first math unit. We have incorporated work with the calendar into Morning Meeting along with some counting activities. By the end of the week everyone will also have a chance to explore some of our math manipulatives during station time.

There has been some confusion around snack, and hot snack in particular. I think it took a few days for everyone to make the distinction between snack and lunch, but I am trying to remind them to only eat one or maybe two things at snack and be sure to save something for lunch. I have six children signed up for hot snack everyday right now. Some students seem interested in getting this on certain days as well, which is fine, but we really need to make sure they are signed up if they are going to take it. Ideally students will sign up for it a day ahead for planning and preparation purposes. The choices stay the same from week to week: Monday- cheese stick and fruit (usually apples), Tuesday- cereal with milk, Wednesday- bagels with cream cheese, Thursday- egg burritos, Friday- trail mix. Also, if your child is having hot lunch, but not hot snack, please send a snack. Everyone is starving by snack time! We will not let anyone go hungry, but I also need to be mindful of leaving enough snacks for those who have signed up.

Yahoo! We finally have some caterpillars in the room. We will be observing these closely over the next several weeks as we begin our unit on living and nonliving things.

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