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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yesterday we continued with the five senses, exploring sound. We played sound bingo using a CD of various everyday sounds and pictures to match. For some reason both my own children and the students in the class really love the baby laughing! Then each student was given a jar with an item in it. They needed to find a classroom with the same item in his jar using their sense of hearing. We then talked about examples of when our sense of hearing helps us or is particularly important.

We continued playing the game One More, One Fewer today, with students working on various levels. Some use dice with different numbers, while some changed the game to Ten More, Ten Fewer. It is fascinating to watch how they approach this task and to follow the different thought processes. To adults the concepts of one more or one fewer can seem quite simple, but to students just learning about numbers, even those who count adeptly, there is a lot of heavy thinking involved.

We had a fabulous ski today. I was a bit nervous about the logistics of this, but everyone did a fantastic job. I was particularly pleased with the independence and enthusiasm shown by everyone.

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