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Monday, September 27, 2010

This morning I introduced students to a new book, Who Do You See: Children in Mrs. Beattie's Class. This follows the pattern of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? using photos of the students in the class. They seemed pretty excited about this. I am hoping to begin more formalized literacy instruction soon (once I finally finish the math assessments!) and I am planning to use repetitive, predictable, high interest books as a starting point. Interest level seems to be higher if students are more involved in the book, either as the subject of the book, or as authors. They will be working on a predictable book about their families this week and I also hope we will write a similar book about autumn. They will each get a copy of these books to keep at school for now, and eventually to bring home.

Hopefully you found some information about Fundations in your child's red folder today. This explains a bit about the program and also includes information about the letter formation for t, f, b, n, and m, which are the letters we have learned so far. THIS IS NOT HOMEWORK! It is meant as a guide for you if your child is interested in practicing writing at home, or just so you know what we are doing in school. As I mentioned in the spring, I am not planning to assign homework. Students who are interested in practicing what they've learned will do so on their own, and those who aren't interested most likely need a rest and some time to absorb all that they are taking in.

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