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Thursday, June 14, 2018

We have had lots of activity in our last few weeks of school from boat building to Field Day and much in between.  A huge thank you to Preslee's family, especially Mr. Craig, who prepared the blue bird house materials and graciously led us through putting them together.  We had lots of fun hammering!  These can be hung outside about 4 feet off the ground.  The door should be screwed shut to keep squirrels and other non-bird visitors out.

Continuing with a bird theme, on Wednesday we spent time exploring different bird "beaks" to see which kind of beak is best for different kinds of food.  Most children agreed that a clothespin or tweezer like beak was best for most foods, although a straw beak is definitely best for nectar.

Thursday morning we read a book about owls and then dissected owl pellets.  Children were fascinated by the different bones they found inside their pellets and some children kept poking away right through choice time.  (The pellets I use have been sterilized, but we still washed our hands thoroughly when we were done.)

Thank you for a fantastic year.  Have a wonderful summer!