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Thursday, November 19, 2015

For the last several weeks we have been working on a mini-mapping project.  We began with a map of the classroom that I drew.  After reading the map as a class, each child hid a colored cube "treasure" and then marked the spot on the map with a colored x.  We traded maps and then found the hidden treasures.  We did the same thing outside on the playground, but children were given a map with only the sand box as a starting point.  They added other features they thought would help a friend find their hidden treasure and again marked the spot.  Finally, during our last ECO session we talked about features of our space in the forest that we would include on a map.  Our attempts to draw the maps were somewhat thwarted by the rain (dry erase markers don't work very well when it's wet!) but we were able to make a class map of the forest when we returned to school.  Each child then gathered small things from the forest that could be used in making a model of the space.  On Wednesday we began creating these models.  Most children started with our safety circle and then added other features in relation to that.  This is a challenging task but they seemed to really enjoy it and we will do more throughout the year.  Hidden treasure is always motivating!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

We have been enjoying the fantastic weather this week, especially on Wednesday when we were out for ECO.  Children had some time to continue drawing in their field guides and they also helped Lindsey gather appropriate wood for our first real fire.  Ask your child about the different kinds of sticks they needed to collect.  Next Wednesday will be our last forest ECO until spring, although Lindsey will join us at school for a couple of winter sessions.