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Thursday, August 28, 2014

A few of the things we have done in the last couple of days:

  • learned about morning meeting, which includes greeting each other (right now I am modeling this by greeting everyone), singing "Down By the Bay" using rhymes that classmates think of, and reading our morning message
  • explored materials that we will use during math stations
  • met our 3rd and 4th grade learning partners
  • practiced looking at books quietly
  • talked about our hopes and dreams for the school year
  • practiced being really good listeners as several classmates shared their artifact bags
We have also continued to practice basic routines and expectations including following directions, cleaning up materials, and always using gentle hands and bodies and kind words.  Thank you to those of you have returned red folder information so quickly!

Exploring math materials.

Working with 3rd and 4th grade partners.

Illustrating a wish for the year.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy first day!  Your children were amazing today, from sitting quietly through an assembly to start the day, to maneuvering the lunch line and cafeteria routine, and everything in between.  The first day is perhaps the most challenging because everything is new and needs to be explained- your children were wonderfully patient and respectful as they began learning our basic routines.  I would guess that for most children outside time or free choice were favorite times of the day!  Information from the red folders can be returned to me or directly to Kathi.  I appreciate the effort it takes to fill out all of the forms, but the sooner we have the information the better.  I will provide more details about our days and post some pictures very soon.  Thank you again for your support and please thank your child for a fantastic first day!