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Friday, March 28, 2014

This morning Mrs. Gale's class joined us while her room was being used for pre-school screening.  We spent the first part of the morning talking about birds (I have seen many robins already despite the snow!) Children worked in pairs testing a variety of bird "beaks" on different foods to see which beak worked best.  Ask your children what kind of beak they would want if they were a bird.   After snack  and a little dancing, we created our own colorful birds for the classroom tree.

On Wednesday, April 16th we will be traveling to the Flynn Theater in Burlington to see Seussical the Musical, based on the stories of Dr. Seuss.  Our show is at 10:00 so we will leave school around 8:45 and be back for lunch.  While the PTA generously funds most of the cost, each child is asked to contribute $3.00.  You can give the money to me or directly to Kathi.
Testing bird beaks.

Birds in the tree.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I hope everyone had a wonderful vacation.  We have had a fantastic and productive first couple of days back.  After 11 days all of the children looked a bit older!

Yesterday during ECO we worked in stations creating a puppet theater,  making puppets for our nature name animals, creating a scene with tracks for each animal, and narrating a brief story to go with the scene.  We had a great time watching several children's  shadow puppet stories and everyone will have a chance to share theirs in the coming days.

Parent conferences will be held in two weeks, on March 20th and 21st.   The online scheduler is open now and you can schedule a conference at any time by visiting the school web site ( and clicking on the online scheduler link on the right hand side under quick-links.  I look forward to meeting with all or you and talking about your child's progress.