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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Earlier this week we had a discussion about solids and liquids and how they are different.  We sorted several containers of solids and liquids and made several observations.  We noticed that the solids stayed in separate pieces while the liquids mixed together, the liquids took the shaped of the container they were in and were flat and smooth across the top while the solids kept the shape of their individual pieces and were bumpy across the top, and when we poured them the liquids flowed in a stream, but the solids just fell out in their separate pieces.  We then did several experiments with the flow of different liquids by having liquid races.  Water flowed much faster than honey or soap, and surprisingly, honey flowed faster than soap.  Today we tested whether the size of drops affects the rate of flow.  Ask your child which size water drop flowed the fastest, small, medium or big.

Also today, Emily Church very graciously led all of the children through the process of paper making.  Each child had an opportunity create a beautiful piece of paper.  We noticed that in the pulp stage the paper is liquid, then most of the water gets stomped out.  Over the next few days the rest of the liquid will evaporate and we will be left with a solid!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Just a reminder that the spring concert for the whole school is tomorrow evening at 6:00!   Students should meet the class in the gym around 5:50.  The concert will last approximately one hour.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today students had an opportunity to engage in water exploration.  Half of the class worked in pairs exploring sink and float while the other half used a variety of materials to experiment with water flow.  Some of the observations children made were the size of the object doesn't determine whether it sinks or floats  and gravity causes water to flow down, but the force of air from a baster can make water shoot up through a tube.  Needless to say the room was a little wet!  We will do this again on Thursday (hopefully outside) so children will have a chance to do both activities.

Yesterday Tyler Buswell of Highfields Composting introduced a new school-wide composting program to our class.  He talked to us about the process of composting, and how through composting we can "close the loop" in a cycle that starts with plants and produces new soil, which can then be used to grow more plants.  He also talked a bit about what happens to food waste when it is not composted and why this is a really important thing for us to do.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kay Marcelle has finished compiling the students' animal reports.  They are all in an ebook format and next week during drop off times I will have them available for viewing on two ipads.  The children did fantastic work, both in the recording of their facts and in their illustrations.  Kay is also exploring a way to  make them accessible via a link from my blog, or to burn them to a disc for everyone.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

In case you hadn't heard, artwork from students at Waitsfield Elementary School is included in the student art show at the Helen Day Art Center in Stowe (upstairs from the Stowe Library).  All Waitsfield kindergarten students have a piece of art on display- some amazing work!  Amanda Kalichstein sent the photo of the kindergarten display which appears on the left and said it is well worth the trip to Stowe!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tomorrow we will be welcoming a new student, Noella, to our classroom.  She is coming to us from Bethel.  We talked briefly today about how we can make her feel welcome, but any conversations you have at home about this are helpful as well!

Today hopefully everyone received a letter from Sue Dillon about Fifths Disease.  We currently have a child in the room who has Fifths Disease, which is most contagious before symptoms appear.  These may include a rash, low grade fever, and red cheeks that look as if they've been slapped.  Sue's letter is much more specific, but if you have further questions about this please feel free to contact Sue.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Today we began a study of solids and liquids by exploring water drops.  Each child had an opportunity to use a pipet to explore and observe water drops on a plastic plate.  Students made many wonderful observations.  Some of these included "when you blow on drops they connect to each other", "the drops are round", "it's not easy to put two drops really close to each other", and "if you get two drops close without touching they come together like magnet".  Lucky for us, when we went outside there were lots of water drops  and puddles, so we continued our observations.  Students noticed the puddles too were rounded, drops on the green benches were flatter than the drops we made on plates, and drops at the bottom of the slide were bigger than at the top, probably because several smaller drops traveled down the slide and  joined together to make larger drops.  We will continue this exploration in the coming weeks.