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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We have spent the last two days immersed in science experiments. Yesterday everyone made paper airplanes and we did several tests with these in the gym. Some chose to test two different airplanes, while others tested the same airplane with and without a paper clip attached.

Today we experiment with bubbles. First we spent time blowing bubbles with regular circle wands and discussed our observations. Then we made predictions about what would happen if the wands were different shapes. Everyone tested triangle and square wands as well as one other shape. Ask your child about the results.

In the midst of our bubble exploration I was presented with 5 beautiful blueberry bushes, already laden with fruits. Thank you so much for such a lovely gift and thank you for such a wonderful year. What a fabulous group to have my first kindergarten year with. It has passed so quickly and I will always have such fond memories of this group. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

In conjunction with our discussions of weather, this week we have been talking about the sun and it's importance in our lives. We have talked about the sun as a source of warmth (heat), light, and energy. This morning we talked about things people had eaten for breakfast and traced them all back to the sun. Yesterday everyone made a bracelet with solar beads and witnessed them change in the sun. Today we talked about whether it was the heat or light that made the beads change and how we could test this. Someone suggested putting some beads in hot water to see if it was heat. We did this and observed no change. We then tried putting sunscreen on some of the beads and exposing them to sun. Ask your child what we noticed.

I have a big collection of student work/ art that can go home. It is organized into a pile for each student. I will put these out each morning and you are welcome to take them along with your child's paper mache animal (I'm afraid things will get squashed in backpacks!)

Friday, June 3, 2011

All year we have been making weather graphs during morning meeting. We have been spending some time reviewing the graphs and noting the general trends and changes from month to month.
This morning everyone was given a copy of a graph. They had to look at the data and decide if their graph was from winter, spring, or summer.

We finally made it into the garden today to plant our beans. Hopefully they won't be bothered by the chilly night! We will watch for the plants to emerge in the next couple of weeks.